With Thanksgiving just one week away and all of the winter holidays also right around the corner, it’s a good time to remind pet owners about food safety for pets during the holidays. What do you need to know about keeping your dogs and cats...

The list of plants that can be harmful to cats is a long one. The effects of plant toxins in cats can range from moderate gastrointestinal upset to life-threatening cardiovascular and nervous system poisoning. Prevention is the best way to avoid accidental plant poisoning in cats....

Wishing all of our friends a happy July 4th holiday weekend! Don't forget to keep your pets calm and safe this July 4th by keeping them indoors in a quiet area during fireworks displays.  Play some relaxing music or put on some pet-friendly nature shows to...

Summer is a great time for having fun with your pets, but it’s important to keep a few simple things in mind to make sure your pets don’t overheat, both outdoors and indoors, in the summertime. The core body temperature of cats and dogs is warmer...

The American Animal Hospital Association’s excellent PetsMatter blog recently posted an article by veterinarian Dr. Anna Coffin about the dangers of common household items to pets. Take a look at this list of the different kinds of pet toxins to see if you need to...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a safety alert warning pet owners of the dangers of topical pain medications containing the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) flurbiprofen. Several cats have recently been sickened, and some have died, from exposure to topical pain medications.  In all of the...

Now that winter is coming to an end and March is finally here, many homeowners’ thoughts are turning to spring and gardening! If you’re a dog owner as well, you may be wondering how to make your yard safer and more welcoming for your furry...

The regular presence of coyotes is a new reality for many cities and suburban communities across the U.S. Coyotes are found in every state except Hawaii and have easily adjusted to life in populated human developments, including large cities, due to their adaptability and the...

Veterinarians are warning pet owners that the sago palm plant is highly poisonous to dogs and cats. This is an outdoor ornamental plant in warm climates like here in San Diego, but also poses a health risk to pets when planted indoors in pots in...

A recent study published in the Veterinary Journal investigated the health risks to cats in large-scale hoarding environments. Researchers found that cats in crowded living conditions are at great risk for respiratory infections, gastrointestinal disease, parasites, malnutrition and other symptoms of neglect. Key findings from the...

Are cats, especially black cats, in danger of harm at Halloween? There are many opinions about this issue, with some experts stating that Halloween poses no extra risk to cats, and others who argue that people with an anti-cat bias are more likely to abuse...

Cats falling from high places—over two stories, often from apartment windows or balconies—is so common that there is a name for the types of injuries sustained in these falls: Feline High-Rise Syndrome. The most frequently-occurring injuries from falls are trauma to the chest, face/mouth, limbs,...