Mary Jane H.
“Mary Jane” is a happy-go-lucky Jack Russell who was living the good life until she broke her leg and needed emergency surgery. Her human mom was devastated because she instantly knew she could not afford this life-saving operation. She worked as a cashier at a retail store and had recently been robbed at gunpoint. She was on leave of absence from her job at that time and had relied on Mary Jane to get her through that traumatic experience. To think about having to put her best friend of five years to sleep was more than she could bear. Luckily, Save-A-Life partner California Veterinary Specialists gave her a glimmer of hope when they told her about the FACE Foundation. Realizing Mary Jane still had a chance, she applied for funding and FACE was able to pay for Mary Jane’s surgery! Special thanks to the Drake Family for being a Life Sponsor and helping to save this sweet girl’s life!