Little Buddha
“Little Buddha” would not be here today if it weren’t for FACE’s wonderful donors and the help of our Save-A-Life vet partner VCA Eye Clinic for Animals. It all started when Little Buddha developed an eye ulcer. Over time it got bigger and one day, it finally ruptured. Little Budha lived with his “dad” who was recently unemployed due to his lung collapsing. Before the medical condition, his dad was a graphic designer with different companies. Now, he was living in hotels and barely had enough to keep Little Budha and himself fed. When the vet gave him the estimate for an enucleation surgery to remove his eye, his dad was devastated. He had rescued Little Buddha years ago and couldn’t imagine giving him up or worse, putting him to sleep. This was a very treatable condition. He looked for help and luckily, FACE was able to grant him the funds he needed to get his dog healthy again.