Lexi A.
This tiny girl is “Lexi!” Lexi is the only pup in the family and is spoiled rotten with love. Lexi can be skittish and one day she jumped off her human siblings lap at the gas station and ran until she was hit by a car. She survived but her pelvis was badly damaged. FACE’s friends over at VCA Animal Medical Center wanted to get her into surgery immediately but Lexi’s family couldn’t afford the thousands of dollars for the treatment. Lexi’s “parents” both worked full-time but they were also helping out a friend at that time by letting her and her three year old son stay with them while she got back on her feet. Things were tight around the house and they simply could not afford any more debt. After seeing how much this family wanted to save Lexi, VCA AMC suggested they contact FACE and sure enough, our Foundation was able to pay for Lexi’s surgery! Just days after her surgery, Lexi’s “mom” wrote to FACE with an update: “3 days after her surgery we were able to take her home. She was so fragile and I was scared of her getting hurt but she has flourished! She is doing amazing. Thank you so much for helping Lexi! She’d have been euthanized without your compassion and generosity. Thanks to all the donors to the cause!”
Special thanks to FACE Life Sponsor MGN Online for making happy endings like this possible.