Meet Jack! Jack is a 3 year old rescued Collie Mix who is the best companion of his ‘mom,’ Chanel. Jack and Chanel moved to San Diego two years ago from New Mexico and has definitely been enjoying Southern California since. Jack loves going to the beach, the dog park, and playing fetch! One day at the dog park, Jack was chewing on a core of a small tennis ball and swallowed it before Chanel could grab it. This turned into an emergency, and Jack needed surgery as soon as possible to save his life. Chanel was able to fund-raise online and through friends and family, but she still didn’t have enough to cover the full cost of the emergency treatment Jack needed. Thankfully, she reached out to FACE who was able to approve her application for assistance and get Jack into surgery.
We received a nice thank you letter from Chanel, and are happy to say that Jack is doing great!
Everyone at FACE,
Just wanted to say thank you for your generous contribution that helped Jack get the life saving surgery that he needed. He has been home for a few days, and is doing great. He’s back to his happy, loving self, sans tennis ball pieces. I would not have been able to help Jack without FACE, and a community effort from friends, and strangers. Thank you so much.
Thank You,