Huck M

“Huck” is a handsome 1 year old Catahoula who is one lucky pup! Last year Huck developed an odd scratch on his genitals and after weeks of licking the wound it became infected and very painful. His family consists of 3 children who love him dearly, and his “parents” who are also very attached to him. Huck’s “mom” has been out of work for a year to take care of her youngest child so Huck’s “dad’s” job is the family’s only source of income. The family was struggling to manage substantial amounts of debt when Huck came down with this injury. His family feared the worst when they were told he would need immediate surgery to heal this problem. They had no way of paying for this emergency treatment. Luckily, FACE heard about this tragic situation from Save-A-Life partner Countryside Veterinary Hospital and we were able to help this family save their dog!