This big handsome boy is “Hooch!” Hooch was rescued from a shelter 2 years ago and his new family adores him. He has a “mom” and a “dad” who take him everywhere with them and 2 human siblings to play with. Life couldn’t get any better! Until one day when disaster struck…
Hooch was getting lifted into his dad’s truck when his leg got caught on a sharp edge and he sustained a major laceration that cut one of his arteries. Hooch was rushed to the hospital and he required immediate surgery to stitch up and treat his open wound. His parents were speechless, it broke their heart to tell the vet they had no way of paying for Hooch’s surgery. They reached out to FACE and told us how Hooch’s dad just recently got his contractor’s license and was working here and there. His wife worked in a dermatologist’s office but she did not have anything in savings to offer. Thankfully, FACE was able to pay for Hooch’s surgery and California Veterinary Specialists immediately got him into surgery!