Prevention and Treatment of Feline Acne

Feline acne

Does your cat look like she has some dirt on her chin? It could be feline acne, a common skin condition in cats. What looks like a dirty chin could be a mild to moderate case of cat acne. Those black specks are actually blackheads, similar to blackheads in humans. In more severe cases, a cat can develop red sores and lesions on the chin area.

Some cats are more prone to acne than others. This includes cats who don’t groom properly, produce excess sebum or keratin, have clogged hair follicles, or have allergies. Your veterinarian can perform a simple test to diagnose acne and rule out any other skin conditions.

Your vet may clean the area and clip the fur, and then apply a topical treatment to your cat’s chin. The treatment will continue at home, with continued application of the ointment. Hot compresses can also be helpful. If the acne has progressed to an infection, antibiotics may be required.

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Cat health experts recommend that you switch your cat’s bowls from plastic or ceramic to stainless steel. Some cats are sensitive to plastic. Stainless steel is also more resistant to bacteria growth than ceramic. Wash the bowls in the dishwasher every day using the heat dry cycle to make sure they are as clean as possible. Make sure your cat’s chin is clean and dry after eating and drinking.

Feline acne can reappear, so continued treatment with topical medication and hot compresses may be needed.