ASPCA Grants FACE Foundation up to $20,000 in Honor of FACE’s 5th Anniversary!
National animal welfare organization, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), has granted $5,000 to FACE, and promises to match up to $20,000 more in honor of FACEís 5th anniversary!
The ASPCAís generous donation of $5,000 will fund the emergency medical treatment for at least five San Diego family pets whose lives are threatened by injury or illness. In addition, the ASPCA is pledging up to $20,000 more to FACEópromising to match other donations and grants in celebration of FACEís 5th anniversary.
On Saturday, September 10, 2011, FACE celebrated our ìA Very Merry Un-Birthday,î an un-gala that allowed supporters to celebrate the hundreds of family animals who, due to FACE and donors such as the ASPCA, will celebrate many future birthdays. The Foundation for Animal Care and Education is elated to announce our supporting partner, the ASPCA, and we welcome inquiries into and donations toward our ìSave-a-Lifeî program and anniversary.
For more information about the ASPCA, please visit www.aspca.org.