“Diamond” and Family
“I would like to start off by saying, that this company is truly heaven sent! Our dog had a foreign body inside of her, and she was in very poor condition. She was losing weight, she wasn’t eating, lethargic, and she was not doing well. Unfortunately, I was experiencing financial hardship, and could barely afford the examination fee. I googled places that would help us, and I found this organization. I spoke with a lady named Karen, I truly feel like she’s an angel. She stayed in constant communication with me, I felt like she really wanted to help! We took diamond to the ER, and long story short, she needed surgery. We obviously couldn’t afford it. Our options were to watch Diamond suffer, and die right before our eyes, or euthanize her. I cried for 3 days, not knowing what to do. Karen went above and beyond, she knew how much Diamond meant to us! Diamond is currently home and healing. This next week is crucial for her, but she is a fighter, and she is doing better than expected! Thank you to the FACE Foundation, Diamond would not be here without you! She is everything to us, and I pray that your organization thrives, and that another family will be blessed, just like our family! Thank you!”