Lana Hock
Lana grew up on a farm in Nebraska, developing a strong love and bond with the many animals she has had over the years. So much so, that she intended to become a veterinarian and began her college career at Kansas State University. While a twist of fate led her to find her gift as a financial advisor and ultimately graduate with a B. S. Degree in Business Administration. she remained passionate about animal welfare as well as realizing the importance of helping those entrusted with their care.
Lana is currently a Director/Financial Advisor with The Hock Group at R.W. Baird & Co., where she spends her time offering wealth management and financial planning advice to individuals and small business owners. Her love for the veterinary profession still runs deep, as she supports the local chapters of the American Veterinary Medical Association in Southern California, Arizona, and Colorado, providing expertise and continuing education to their members. It is through this support that Lana was first introduced to The FACE Foundation.
Lana began supporting FACE in 2021, after seeing their ad in the SDCVMA newsletter and curiosity led her to create her own memorial program for her clients in the same manner that many veterinarians follow to celebrate the lives of our pets. The FACE Foundation mission really resonated with her, and her ongoing sponsorships, event attendance, and volunteering resulted in Lana become acquainted with the hard-working staff at FACE. She was invited first to join the finance committee in the Summer 2023, knowing that she has much expertise not only in finance, but also in non-profit support and governance. Recognizing her contributions to the organization could be invaluable as FACE continues to grow to support more animal owners who are unable to afford the cost of their pet’s emergency or critical care, Lana was nominated and proudly accepted the nomination in October 2023 to serve on the board.
Lana and her husband, Andrew Trujillo, split their time between Scottsdale, AZ and La Jolla, CA, along with their current canine companion, Sasha Banks (the dog), who is a rescued American Staffordshire Terrier from Baja Animal Sanctuary (Mexico).
“We have been blessed with the resources to do what we love, and as a communitarian, I feel supporting the community of animal lovers who find themselves in less fortunate financial circumstances is simply the right thing to do!” —Lana