Veterinarians at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University are advising pet owners to keep face masks out of reach of their dogs after seeing a rise in face mask ingestion cases. Dogs that swallow masks can experience life-threatening gastrointestinal obstructions. In one case, a...

The list of plants that are toxic to dogs, cats, and other pets can be quite long.  The Poinsettia, a common Christmas season houseplant, has a reputation for being toxic to pets, especially cats. While another popular holiday houseplant—the Easter lily—is extremely dangerous to cats, does...

Wildfires, hurricanes, and other natural disasters can be traumatic events for people…and their animals.  As you think about how you will react if a disaster hits your area, don’t forget to include your pets in any emergency preparedness planning. The American Veterinary Medical Association has created...

The American Veterinary Medical Association has been studying the growing trend of cannabis use for pet health, including the potential benefits and risks.  They recently posted a statement about their perspective on this fast-evolving issue. Here’s a quick summary of what you should know before using...