The American Kennel Club has just released its annual list of the most popular dog breeds for the year 2014. The Labrador retriever remains in the number one spot for an impressive 24 years in a row. Rounding out the top ten are the German shepherd, Golden...

Meet Spunky! This adorable terrier mix is as sweet as can be! He is the "only child" of his loving owner. One day he was acting strangely, and when he starting limping his owner rushed him to the vet. He was suffering from a disc...

Meet Fergie! This adorable corgi was on a walk with her owner when a small animal caught her eye. She broke off her leash and took off, and was struck by a car. Her loving owner was distraught and horrified - Fergie was her baby...

Did you know that just like humans, dogs also need a proper post-workout cool down? Whether you took your dog out for a run/hike, or a fun game of fetch outside, dogs need their owners to help them properly cool down. Here are a few basic...

Why should you buckle up your dog? According to Jennifer Davidson, the Manager of Traffic Advocacy at AAA, "people don't realize how important it is to buckle up their dog. An unrestrained pet can become a hazardous projectile in the event of an accident or sudden...

South Park, PA -   This past weekend, Raven, an American Bulldog, proved to her family, in no uncertain terms, that dog is man's best friend. According to CBS Pittsburgh, the heroic dog successfully alerted her slumbering family to a blaze in their Piney Fork Road home in...