Meet “Taytay!” This adorable seven-year-old Yorkshire Terrier wasn’t eating and was very sick. Her worried family brought her to Mission Animal & Bird Hospital where Taytay’s veterinarian discovered she had an infection in her uterus, also known as Pyometra. If left untreated, Pyometra can be a fatal illness, which is why preventative spaying and neutering is so important. Her family had never heard of Pyometra, and was devastated when they were told Taytay would need an emergency surgery to cure her illness. After a recent job loss in the family, the cost of Taytay’s surgery just wasn’t affordable at the time. Thankfully, their vet referred them to FACE who was able to help get Taytay the surgery she needed to survive. Special thanks to Save-A-Life Partner Mission Animal and Bird Hospital for helping to save Taytay!