This adorable tabby is “Sleepy!” She was lucky enough to find a loving family who welcomed her into their home, as she was wandering the streets when they found her as a tiny kitten. Less than a year later, she became the heart of her new family and they were worried sick when she went missing. Sleepy was missing for about a week and miraculously dragged herself home in a storm with two broken hind legs. Her family was both happy and distraught to find her crying at their front door. They rushed her to the hospital and quickly spent hundreds of dollars trying to get her stabilized. This family is on a very tight fixed income and they had no disposable income but they didn’t hesitate to use every cent they had to help Sleepy. Eventually they were financially drained and Sleepy still need surgery on both of her legs. The family turned to FACE and pleaded for help to save Sleepy, who the dad confessed was his very first pet. He said he couldn’t imagine losing her after she had worked so hard to just get home to her family, who she trusted would care for her. Fortunately, Bonita Pet Care Veterinary Hospital was able to partner with FACE to get Sleepy the life-saving care she needed!