Riko W.
“Riko” is a one year old puppy who was adopted from a shelter and was enjoying his new life as a family pet. This happiness was shortlived, Riko soon injured himself while on a walk one day and his vet said he would need surgery as soon as possible. When his “mom” said she could not afford the treatment, she was told putting him to sleep was the only other option. She could not imagine how devastated her two kids would be, they were already so attached to sweet Riko. At that time, Riko’s “parents” were going through a divorce and his mom was unemployed. Things were rough for the family and she didn’t want to add the loss of their beloved dog to the heart ache. VCA Animal Specialty Group told her about the FACE Foundation and urged her to apply. Much to everyone’s relief, Riko received funding from FACE for his surgery! Thank you SKY Facial Plastic Surgery, Inc. for being a FACE Life Sponsor and helping save Riko’s life!