Meowser F
“Meowser” is a very loved and cherished kitty. His “mom” wrote to us last year when Meowser came down with an obstruction and needed emergency surgery if he wanted any chance of surviving. Meowser’s mom wasn’t someone who liked asking for help, but her situation was tragic and she was definitely deserving of assistance. Meowser was a stray that followed her niece home (who she was fostering at the time) and after he cried for food and attention for more than a week, she finally let her niece adopt him and officially make him part of the family. They made him an indoor cat, vaccinated him, fixed him, and he adapted beautifully in no time. His “human sibling” soon moved back home and his kitty sibling passed away around the same time. Meowser must have been under a lot of stress and soon was unable to urinate. Meowser’s “mom” had just returned to full-time employment from taking a year off work due to being diagnosed with stage 3 Breast Cancer. After a year of treatments she survived, but not before her credit was ruined and she accrued a mountain of debt. She couldn’t imagine saying goodbye to her fur-baby after she lost her own mother to Alzheimer’s that same year. Luckily, FACE’s Save-A-Life partner South Bay Veterinary referred her to FACE Foundation and we were able to give her a helping hand in one of the darker times of her life. FACE is overjoyed to have been able to give this family hope and many more years with their beloved Meowser!