London came into her “mom’s” life unexpectedly, she was found as a stray with an injured leg. Her mom knew right away that she wanted to adopt and help this little kitty. She rushed London to a vet where London was diagnosed with not one, but two fractured back legs! Additionally, London had sustained major trauma to her tail requiring a partial amputation. Her new family put everything they could towards getting London the help she needed, but couldn’t afford the full emergency care so they reached out to FACE for help.
From London’s family– “I am extremely grateful that FACE Foundation exists to help people like me care for their animals. It has been almost 1 month since I took London home from the vet and her recovery is remarkable! This was all thanks to the FACE Foundation. Without their financial support I would not have been able to afford the surgery on my own. Thank you to the FACE Foundation and A Cat’s View Veterinary from the bottom of our hearts!”
Thanks to Life Sponsor Carlsbad Golf Center, London was saved and is now home with her forever family.