Lola P.
FACE Success Story “Lola” is a beautiful little Lhasa Apso. She and her “mom” had only been living in San Diego for 3 months when poor Lola was hit by a car. The vet said she needed an operation to repair the damage that was done. Lola had already accrued over a thousand dollars from being treated at the vet thus far; her mom could not imagine even more debt on top of that. She was not working and depended on unemployment benefits as she finished her schooling online. This unanticipated expense was not possible for her, no matter how much she wanted to save Lola. Luckily, her treating veterinary hospital is a Save-A-Life partner of the FACE Foundation and they recommended she apply for assistance. With her last bit of hope, she reached out to FACE and asked for help. Much to her relief, FACE was able to pay for Lola’s surgery!