Lola is a four-year-old French Bulldog who was rushed to the emergency room after being found uncontrollably shaking and unable to eat. Her mom, Erica, was devastated to find out that Lola was suffering from pyometra, an infection of the uterus. Pyometra is extremely painful, and if not treated in a timely manner, can quickly become deadly. In Lola’s case, she had an excellent prognosis with treatment, but Erica has less than one day to come up with the funds to pay for the surgery.
As a single mom of a one-year-old daughter, Erica had absolutely no idea how she would be able to come up with the funds to cover Lola’s emergency care, but also could not imagine losing her sweet dog. Erica stated that Lola is her daughter’s best friend, and the thought of losing her simply due to the cost of her medical care was absolutely heartbreaking.
Thankfully, Lola was receiving care and FACE partner hospital, South Bay Veterinary Hospital, who upon finding out about Erica’s financial restraints, quickly contacted FACE for assistance.
FACE provides financial assistance for emergency veterinary care solely through public donations, and thanks to all the generous donations raised through Yogi’s Fund, FACE was able to help save Lola! Lola had a successful surgery and was able to return home to her loving family. Thank you Yogi for supporting FACE and helping save Lola!
For more info on Yogi’s Fund, check out here.