“Kiki” is a beautiful Bengal Persian who is like another child to her “mom.” She happily shares her home with a human sibling and they are best friends! When Kiki became very sick and lethargic, she was rushed to the vet. After some tests she was diagnosed with Pyometra, an infection that develops in the uterus of female animals that have not been spayed. Her mother became distraught once she heard how much this procedure would cost because she knew she would not be able to come up with the money in time. Pyometra can claim an animal’s life within days, sometimes hours, if left untreated. Kiki’s mom reached out for help and regained hope after she was referred to the FACE Foundation by Save-A-Life partner San Diego Bay Animal Hospital. Thankfully, FACE was able to help this little family stay together by assisting with the cost of Kiki’s surgery! Now Kiki is better than ever and enjoying every day that life has to offer.