“Kenai” is a seven-month-old Labradoodle who was adopted by his “dad” in Alaska! His dad is now a student at the University of San Diego and constantly takes Kenai with him on hikes to take a break from studying. One day, poor Kenai was bitten by a rattle snake and his dad was beside himself with fear. He survived off his student loans and could not afford the emergency treatment necessary to save Kenai’s life. He had to reach out to friends and family to help cover the costs of Kenai’s exam and the first shot of anti-venom. He desperately reached out to the FACE Foundation for assistance in saving his best friend, Kenai. Thankfully, because of a grant from the Animal Farm Foundation, FACE was able to provide the money for Kenai to be treated immediately. Kenai and his dad get to enjoy many more years of exploring together!