Say hello to Gracie! Gracie is an energetic eight year old Bichon Frise who was unfortunately attacked by two dogs off leash while on her daily walk. She suffered major body wounds and was rushed to Pet Emergency & Specialty Center for immediate medical attention. Gracie’s “mom” is single, retired and survives on a fixed income that prohibited her from affording the full cost of Gracieís emergency treatement. PESC reached out to FACE about the tragic predicament this woman and her dog were facing, hoping we could once again partner up to save this beloved pet. Much to her human’s relief, Gracie was approved for FACE funding and was able to get the emergency treatment she so desperately needed.
We are excited to announce that Gracie marks the 100th life saved at Pet Emergency Specialty Center in partnership with FACE! Special thanks to this Save-a-Life partner, who generously discounts their treatment costs for qualified FACE cases. With the help of this hospital, we are truly able to save lives and help families.