Meet Fergie! This adorable corgi was on a walk with her owner when a small animal caught her eye. She broke off her leash and took off, and was struck by a car. Her loving owner was distraught and horrified – Fergie was her baby girl! The single mother had adopted Fergie after her kids had grown up, and Fergie spent every day by her side, and slept next to her at night! She rushed Fergie to the hospital, but couldn’t afford the entirety of the bill. Luckily, FACE was able to help save little Fergie!
FACE got this wonderful thank you note from Fergie’s grateful owner:
‘Woooo hoooo! Today is the first day she is up and moving around. She had her surgery Monday night late (thanks to you and the folks at VSH). She was very sore and wouldn’t move much for a few days. But today, she is feeling much better and walking around a little in the living room very gingerly…. I am so grateful to you and the members of Face. She is sleeping on my feet right now while I write you 🙂 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!’ -Fergie’s loving ‘mom’