This photo perfectly explains why Chops’ nickname is “Grumpy Sunshine.” Despite his expression, Chops is a happy and playful Siamese who has been with his family for over 8 years! After showing signs of a urinary tract disease, Chops was rushed to Veterinary Specialty Hospital for hands on care. The doctors determined Chops needed surgery, but his family did not have the funds available to cover his full care. Chops’ “mom” was struggling to make ends meet after her hours had been cut due to COVID. After doing everything she could to raise the funds on her own, she applied to FACE for help. With support from Life Sponsor Susan Muha, we were able to help Chops get the care he needed!
“Thank you for your patience with me in getting all the necessary documentation and your great follow up to ensure that the deadline was met. Thank you again for saving my baby’s life and for all that you do!” -Thank you from Chops’ family