“Cam” is a sweet Great Dane who is only a year old and loves getting into mischief. His latest adventure got him and his family into a tough predicament. It all started when Cam escaped from his family’s fenced yard and went for a stroll around the neighborhood. During that time he must have been hit by a car because his family had to go out looking for him and found him lying in the street. When he saw them he abruptly stood up and walked over. They noticed he was limping but did not think his injury was as severe as it was. A quick trip to the vet revealed Cam had a broken leg. His family had spent a couple hundred dollars on diagnostics already, they were not in a position to afford anything else. Cam’s “dad” had just left the Navy and was working here and there as a contractor. Cam’s “mom” had also just left the military to pursue a nursing career and was back in school. Between the cost of moving into a new house and having a newborn son, they were not in a good place financially. As much as they wanted to save Cam they had no money in their budget. Luckily, FACE had recently received a generous grant from the Animal Farm Foundation and was able to pay for Cam’s surgery to fix his broken leg!