Meet FACE Success Story Marmalade!
Marmalade is a beautiful odd-eyed white kitty who was diagnosed with a urinary blockage…one of the most common emergency veterinary health issues we help with FACE grants.
Marmalade needed life-saving surgery to address his urinary obstruction, and we are happy to report that he is now recovering at home with his loving family.
His humans sent us a note with the good news about his health and a kind thank you for the financial assistance we were able to provide for his care:
“Thank you so much for saving our precious kitty’s life! We couldn’t imagine a world without this sweet loving boy in it and that is what would have happened without the amazingly generous help that the FACE Foundation and its donors provided to us. You have truly enriched our lives in a way that we will be eternally thankful for! It warms our hearts to know that there is such a wonderful organization in our community!”
We’d like to extend *our thanks* to all of our kind donors and supporters for making success stories like Marmalade’s happen!