A study published in the journal Current Biology found that a dog’s tear production increases with emotion. The study measured tear volume in dogs that were reunited with their owners vs with unfamiliar people. Tear volume increased during the dog-owner reunions. The researchers theorized that the tears...

Hurricane Ian caused significant damage to homes in Florida, leading many pet owners to seek temporary shelter. How is this impacting Florida pets? A report from National Public Radio says that many Florida animal shelters are evacuating their animals to other locations to prepare for the...

Many pet owners are reluctant to have their animals receive anesthesia for veterinary care, including routine spay/neuter and dental procedures. Do you have reason to worry about the effects of anesthesia on your pet? Are some pets at higher risk for negative consequences than others? Researchers from...

Now that the weather is turning cooler, many dog owners are planning fall hikes with their best friends. The Edmonton Humane Society has created a helpful video on hiking and camping safety tips for pet owners, including a demonstration of an after-hike safety check you can...

UC Davis animal behaviorist Emma Grigg has shared a few simple tips on how to decipher signs of stress in your dog’s body language in the UC Davis Magazine. Leaning away This can be a sign of fear and stress in dogs. Dogs can lean away from...