Eligibility Requirements for Financial Assistance

We know that having a critically ill pet is an incredibly emotional experience for those who love them. Please understand that any applicant exhibiting disrespectful or disruptive behavior will not be eligible for FACE assistance.


Please note that FACE is unable to fund the following:

Initial exam or consultation fees

Services already rendered and/or treatments completed before FACE approval (You understand that FACE does not reimburse for funds already paid to the vet, including deposits, at the time of your application.)

Routine or non-emergency care (e.g., vaccines, spay/neuter, cruciate ligament tears, benign mass removals)

Conditions requiring ongoing treatment (e.g., diabetes, Addison’s disease, heart disease/murmur, dermatology/skin conditions)

If you are not eligible based on the above, help still may be available.

To qualify for funding, the following must be true:

You and members of your household must be the owners of the pet for which you are requesting assistance.

All pet owners must be residents of either San Diego County in California or the Island of Oahu in Hawaii.

The pet must have been examined by a veterinarian within the past two weeks, with a definitive diagnosis confirming the pet has an immediate life-threatening condition or condition impacting quality of life.

The pet must have a good prognosis with treatment.

You have not received FACE assistance more than twice. (FACE can provide assistance to pet owners a maximum of two times in their lifetime.)

Fracture repairs must be performed by a board-certified surgeon.

You agree to fundraise, reach out to friends and family, and seek additional support to help cover expenses. Please note that FACE does not fund the full cost of treatments.

Is the pet spayed or neutered? If not, you must be willing to have your pet spayed or neutered to receive assistance from FACE.