A FACE in the Spotlight: Meet Dr. Carrie Bone


FACE held its first-ever cat dental clinic this month, treating four kitties who received past grants for emergency veterinary care, to ensure that these grantees could continue to lead healthy lives. This clinic would not have been possible without the generous assistance of Dr. Carrie Bone and her colleagues at La Jolla Veterinary Hospital. They donated their time and expertise, and along with funds from Roxy’s Dental Fund (which assists FACE grantees with dental care costs), these deserving kitties were able to get much-needed dental care.


La Jolla Veterinary Hospital has been a long-time supporter of FACE’s mission to provide financial assistance to families with pets who need life-saving veterinary care. While their particular clientele does not necessarily need this assistance, the practice is committed to helping pets in need whenever they can. Dr. Bone joined La Jolla Vet one year ago, after practicing for 10 years in North San Diego County, and has enthusiastically embraced the cause.


“FACE has always been there as an option when times and decisions are tough,” she notes. “It’s an opening when many other doors seem closed.” She cites an example from the dental clinic. One of the patients received a FACE grant to treat a urinary blockage. The cat’s urinary problems were under control with a special diet, but his teeth had severe tartar build-up and infection. “Both the urinary issues and the dental disease are very treatable health issues in animals. They can cause suffering if not addressed,” explains Dr. Bone. “But addressing these problems does incur costs which can sometimes be limiting. So, with the help of FACE, this cat’s quality of life truly improved, and he will hopefully be happy and healthy for a long time to come.”


Dr. Bone’s commitment to her patients is inspiring. “I like to be the one who translates animal health and medicine to the owners who love their pets so much. I like to see how pets can make people so happy, and vice versa,” she says. Her goal is clear: “I mostly like keeping the healthy animals healthy and making the sick ones better!”


When not working, Dr. Bone enjoys spending time with her dog “Larry Bird”—a terrier mix whose handsome good looks *almost* make up for his naughty behavior! She loves taking him out on neighborhood “smell-a-thons” and also likes to go to concerts and surf.


FACE thanks Dr. Carrie Bone and everyone at La Jolla Veterinary Hospital for making our first cat dental clinic possible, as well as for all of the generous support they have provided over the years. We couldn’t do what we do without our amazing veterinary partners and we are grateful for their dedication and support!