3D Printing Gives Dachshund Second Chance at Life

Patches, an adorable 9-year-old Dachshund, developed a tumor on the top of her head that grew aggressively until it began to press on her brain and eyes.  Veterinarians knew that they needed to remove a large portion of her skull to treat her.

Patches needed a new “skull” to cover the opening at the top of her head.  The solution?  A 3D printed titanium implant custom made to fit Patches!

Veterinarians performed a 4-hour operation, removing the tumor and attaching the implant to her skull.

While 3D printing technology has been used successfully to create artificial limbs and lower jaws for animals, using it for a skull plate is unusual.

Veterinarians note that a high cost, complicated procedure would be most effectively used in a case like Patches—when a pet cannot survive without the implant.

Click HERE to read an article about Patches, and check out this video documenting her incredible story:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXFMUey1UCg&w=560&h=315]


Image:  Dr. Michelle Oblak