10 Tips on How to Be a Great Cat Parent
Many animal lovers who live in small spaces or have busy work and social lives get cats because they assume that having a cat is less of a work/time commitment than caring for a dog. While this can be true in terms of time and effort spent on things like obedience classes and going for daily walks, cats need care and attention, too! Are you doing all you can to be a good parent to your cat?
Here are some great reminders on how to be a good cat parent, based on advice from the folks at Entirely Pets:
1. Make sure to take at least ½ hour every day to play and bond with your cat.
2. Provide your cat with a safe, quiet place to retreat to during stressful times like thunderstorms and parties with lots of strangers.
3. Groom your cat regularly to improve your bond…as well as your cat’s skin, coat, and hairball issues.
4. Keep your cat healthy by not overfeeding her. Obesity causes many preventable feline health problems.
5. Know what’s toxic to cats and keep your cat away from houseplants and human foods and medicines that can poison him.
6. Note any changes in your cat’s behavior, it could be a sign of illness or injury.
7. Take your cat to the vet at least once a year. Many cats, especially seniors, can benefit from a twice-yearly visit.
8. Make sure all of your cat toys are safe for your cat to play with. Keep your cat away from “toys” like string and yarn to avoid accidental ingestion.
9. The majority of cats will develop dental disease at some point in their lives. Incorporate tooth brushing into your cat’s grooming routine.
10. Indoor cats live safer, healthier, and longer lives than outdoor cats, so please keep your cat inside.