How to Make a Pet Emergency Preparedness Kit
Few regions of the U.S. are free from the risk of natural disasters like wildfires, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Even if you live in an area that is relatively safe from weather-related disasters, other emergencies (such as a house fire) can force you to quickly evacuate your home unexpectedly.
If you have dogs, cats, or other pets it’s important to make sure that you are prepared to care for your pets in an emergency. Experts recommend putting together a pet emergency preparedness kit so that you and your pets are ready for an emergency evacuation. What exactly should you put in your pet emergency kit? The Humane Society of the United States has compiled a handy checklist. Here’s a brief rundown, you can check out their website for more details.
- Food and bottled water for at least 5 days. Don’t forget about food bowls and a manual can opener, too.
- Medications, a first aid kit, and veterinary records (stored in a waterproof container).
- Litter box, kitty litter, scoop, and waste disposal bags.
- Sturdy leashes, harnesses, and carriers (with bedding). Make sure the ID on your pet’s collar is up to date as well.
- Current photographs of you with your pets and written descriptions of your pets, in case you get separated.
- Written instructions on your pet’s care, feeding, behavior, and health conditions (plus your veterinarian’s contact info) in case you need to board your pets.
Other useful items
- Newspapers
- Paper towels
- Trash bags
- Grooming supplies
- Bleach
Interested in learning more? Check out this informative video: