Meet the World’s Most Pet-Friendly Landlord

Judy Guth. Photo: Michael Owen Baker/LA Daily News

Judy Guth. Photo: Michael Owen Baker/LA Daily News

Judy Guth, owner of a small apartment complex in North Hollywood, California, has a strict pet policy: No pet, no apartment. Dogs and cats are not only allowed, they’re required. Judy believes that pet owners make great tenants. “My experience has told me you get people with a lot of love in their hearts when you get pet owners,” she told the LA Daily News.

Vacancies are rare at this desirable apartment building. Many tenants (and their pets) have lived there for decades. Judy initiated her “pets only” policy when she discovered that one of her tenants was hiding a cat. She told the tenant not to worry, and the cat came out of hiding and began sunning herself on the window.


When one of her tenants’ pets passes away, Judy brings the person to the local animal shelter to adopt a new best friend. No pet, no apartment!

There are some common sense ground rules for pets. There is a 3 cat limit per apartment, and they must be altered. Up to 2 dogs of any size are allowed, as long as they are vaccinated, have ID tags, don’t bark too much, and are on a leash when outside. New tenants can get fresh carpeting when they move in for an extra $100 a month until it’s paid off. Then the carpet is theirs.

Other landlords in the neighborhood think Judy’s crazy for being so pet tolerant. Judy knows better. She believes that pet owners make great tenants because they are kind, responsible, and reliable. But we already knew that, didn’t we?

For more on Judy, click HERE.


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