Today is World Animal Day!
October 4th has been designated as World Animal Day. According to the World Animal Day website, the mission of this awareness event is:
“To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe. Building the celebration of World Animal Day unites the animal welfare movement, mobilizing it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals. It’s celebrated in different ways in every country, irrespective of nationality, religion, faith or political ideology. Through increased awareness and education we can create a world where animals are always recognized as sentient beings and full regard is always paid to their welfare.”
Interested in learning how animal lovers around the world are recognizing World Animal Day? Check out the various projects and events HERE. They include a wide range of interesting things, including a blessing of the animals at Sarawak SPCA in Malaysia, promoting the adoption of blind dogs in the UK, and an animal shelter open house in Kuwait!
How will you celebrate?!