Connor has had a hard few months. He has had many trips to the vet due to severe food allergies that has cost his mom a lot of money. After spending everything she had to pay for his medications, vet treatments, and specialty foods, Connor’s mom was devastated when emergency hit and Connor needed an expensive, emergency surgery to save his life. Connor had a tumor on his face that got infected and was extremely painful. With no other options, she turned to FACE for help. Through our Save-a-Life Program, Connor was approved for a grant to pay for the surgery. Shout out to our friends at Southbay Veterinary Hospital who were able to perform the surgery at a generous discount to us.
Connor’s mom is grateful to have him recovering back at home. “I don’t know what I would have done without your help. I’ve had him for 11 years and he’s been my constant companion.” Thanks to Life Sponsor Indian Wells Tennis Garden (Paribas), Connor’s mom was able to give her “constant companion” the care he needed to save his life.