Georgie is an adorable 12-year-old domestic short hair cat who developed a mass on one of his hind legs earlier this year. As time progressed, the mass began to grow and significantly impact Georgie’s mobility. When Georgie was examined by his veterinarian, the mass was diagnosed as cancerous– requiring a limb amputation for best treatment. Georgie’s parents are two seniors on fixed incomes who make just enough to cover basic expenses. When Georgie was diagnosed, they were devastated to learn they were unable to afford the treatment he desperately needed. Thankfully, FACE receives a grant from Petco Foundation which allows us to support local pets with cancer treatment. When both Georgie’s family and his veterinarian reached out for assistance, we made a pledge to assist with his surgery. Georgie is now “tripod Georgie” and his family is so grateful to see him feeling better!