Riley S.

This sweetheart is “Riley” and he was lucky enough to have been approved for financial assistance from FACE when he and his “dad” had nowhere else to turn to. New to the area, Riley and his pet parent were trying to adjust when Riley took a leap off some furniture and broke a leg when he crashed onto the floor. Riley’s vet confirmed he needed a surgery that would cost thousands of dollars, and he needed to be treated immediately. Riley’s dad had not even been paid by his new job yet and had nothing to put toward the surgery as he spent what he had to get Riley seen. He reached out to FACE and pleaded for help, “I love my dog, he’s my world and I don’t want to lose him. He’s my baby and it breaks me that I can’t afford to fix him.” Fortunately, FACE had the funds available to lend a helping hand and provide funds to save Riley’s life. Thank you to Save A Life partner Melrose Veterinary Hospital for working with FACE to make this miracle possible!