Teddy Beans

This handsome boy is “Teddy Beans!” Teddy Beans was a stray kitten over a year ago but his “dad” decided to keep him after he realized he was “a total sweetheart.” They have been inseparable ever since! Teddy’s dad took great care of him by getting him neutered and got him all of his shots. However, not too long ago Teddy Beans came down with a severe urinary obstruction and without emergency vet care his chances would not be good. His dad had a job but he still could not afford the life-saving treatment Teddy Beans needed. He reached out to animal charities and even made a GoFundMe page to try to save his beloved kitty but he was still coming up short. Fortunately, FACE approved Teddy Beans just in the nick of time and he has been recovering well since he got the care he needed!