Biggie Smalls

Meet Biggie Smalls! This cool cat belongs to a young woman who is a full time student. He keeps her company day and night! One day Biggie got a little to daring and jumped onto the railing of their balcony, and fell five stories to the ground! This poor guy fractured his jaw, two of his legs, and suffered several dental breaks and multiple lacerations. The damage was so extensive that he required not one but two surgeries. Biggie’s owner received help from her parents for the first surgery, but unfortunately they were tapped out and couldn’t cover the entirety of the treatment this beautiful Persian would need. Fortunately, FACE was able to help. The Pet Emergency and Specialty Center generously gave FACE a bigger discount than usual to help save Biggie. We are so happy to say that this miracle cat is now enjoyed a second, perhaps even third chance at life (as far away from the balcony as possible).