Heartwarming Video: Deaf and Blind Dog Maisie Enjoys the Good Life
Maisie is an adorable and active dog who also happened to be born both deaf and blind. Maisie is known as a double merle dog, the result of breeding two blue merle dogs together (generally regarded as poor breeding practice).
Double merles are prone to both eye and ear abnormalities that can lead to blindness and deafness, as was the case with Maisie.
Maisie was a rescue puppy when mom Haley adopted her after fostering her for just a few months. Haley developed a successful training routine for Maisie that incorporated touch.
Haley and Maisie work together to raise awareness about the health risks of breeding double merle dogs. Check out the heartwarming story of Haley and Maisie from The Dodo:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhCDbhpuDO4&w=560&h=315]