10 Fascinating Pet Ownership Facts

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We’re crazy about our pets and the statistics about pet ownership in the U.S. prove it! Here are some fun and interesting facts about pet ownership:

  1. Around 15% of both dog and cat owners admit to buying a house (or car) with the needs of their pets in mind.

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2. One third of dogs go on vacation along with their families.

3. Nearly 60% of pets are buried on their owners’ property after they pass on.

4. 52% of dog owners have a dog that weighs under 25 pounds, with 58% of people age 55+ owning dogs under 25 pounds.

5. Over half of U.S. pet owners acquire their pets for free or at low cost.

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6. Vermont is the top pet owning state with around 71% of households owning a pet.

7. Over half of us buy our dogs and cats Christmas presents.

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8. Around 27% of pet owners have had professional photographers take pictures of their pets.

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9. Nine out of ten of us consider our pets to be members of the family.

10. Young adults in the 18-24 year old age group have the highest percentage of pet ownership of all adult age groups.